
Selected Publications

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  1. Brahmana, R. K., & Kontesa, M. (2023). Sea surface temperature anomalies and cash holdings: Evidence from fisheries companies. Marine Policy148, 105452. (SSCI IF: 4.315, ABS 2, ABDC: A, Elsevier)
  2. You, H. W., & Brahmana, R. K. (2023). The role of digital orientation in moderating the relationship between innovation and internationalizationInternational Journal of Emerging Markets. (SSCI IF: 3.422, ABS 1, ABDC: B, Emerald)
  3. Hashmi, M. A., Istaqlal, U., & Brahmana, R. K. (2023). Corporate governance and cost of equity: the moderating role of ownership concentration levels. South Asian Journal of Business Studies, (ahead of print). (Scopus, ABS: 1, ABDC: C, Emerald)
  4. Hashmi, M. A., Abdullah, Brahmana, R. K., Ansari, T., & Hasan, M. A. (2022). Do effective audit committees, gender-diverse boards, and corruption controls influence the voluntary disclosures of Asian banks? The moderating role of directors’ experience. Cogent Business & Management9(1), 2135205.(Scopus, ABS:1, Taylor and Francis)
  5. Brahmana, R. K., Kontesa, M., & Yau, J. T. H. (2022). Does information seeking moderate the relationship between financial loan inclusion and Fintech P2P lending?. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 1-15. (Scopus, ABS:1, ABDC:B, Plagrave MacMillan)
  6. Tarmizi, N.A., & Brahmana, R. K. (2022). Environmental performance, political connection, and financial performance: evidence from global oil and gas companies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (ahead-of-print). (SSCI IF: 5.190, Scopus, Springer)
  7. Brahmana, R. K., Setiawan, D., & Trinugroho, I. (2022). The impact of government nonmarket policy on a firm’s financial performance: a lesson from COVID-19 pandemic lockdown’s policy. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, (ahead-of-print).(Scopus, ABS: 1, ABDC: C; Emerald)
  8. Setiawan, D., Asrihapsari, A., Brahmana, R. K., Rizky, H. P., & Widawati, M. W. (2022). Role of Family Ownership in the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Performance. Complexity2022, 1-9.(IF: 2.833, Scopus, Wiley-Hindawi)
  9. Setiawan, D., Brahmana, R. K., Asrihapsari, A., & Maisaroh, S. (2021). Does a Foreign Board Improve Corporate Social Responsibility?. Sustainability13(20), 11473. (IF: 3.251, Scopus; MDPI)
  10. Brahmana, R. K., & Kontesa, M. (2021). Does clean technology weaken the environmental impact on the financial performance? Insight from global oil and gas companies. Business Strategy and the Environment. (IF: 10.8, ABS:3, ABDC:A, Scopus; Wiley)
  11. Brahmana, R. K., You, H. W., & Lau, E. (2020). Does reputation matter for firm risk in developing country?. International Journal of Finance & Economics(3.070, ABS:3, ABDC:A, Scopus; Wiley)
  12. Brahmana, R. K., & You, H. W. (2021). Do Muslim CEOs and Muslim stakeholders prefer Islamic debt financing?. Global Finance Journal, 100625. (SSCI IF: 2.853; ABS:2, ABDC:A, Scopus; Elsevier)
  13. Gyan, A. K., Brahmana, R., & Bakri, A. K. (2017). Diversification strategy, efficiency, and firm performance: Insight from emerging market. Research in International Business and Finance42, 1103-1114. (IF: 6.143, ABDC: B, ABS: 2, Scopus; Elsevier)
  14. Kontesa, M., Brahmana, R., & Tong, A. H. H. (2021). Narcissistic CEOs and their earnings management. Journal of Management & Governance25(1). (Scopus, ABS: 1, ABDC: C; Springer)
  15. Brahmana, R. K., You, H. W., & Kontesa, M. (2020). Does CEO power matter for the performance of retrenchment strategy?. Journal of Strategy and Management14(1), 1-18. (Scopus, ABS: 1, ABDC: C; Emerald)
  16. Ladime, J., & Brahmana, R. K. (2021). Role of controlling shareholders on the performance of efficient African banks. African Development Review.(Scopus, ABDC: C; Wiley)
  17. Brahmana, R. K., You, H. W., & Yong, X. R. (2020). Divestiture strategy, CEO power and firm performance. Management Research Review. (Scopus, ABS: 1, ABDC: C; Emerald)
  18. Ung, L. J., Brahmana, R. K., & Puah, C. H. (2018). Brokerage fee, ownership expropriation and earnings management of Malaysian property companies. Property Management36(4), 461-482. (Scopus, ABS: 1, ABDC: B; Emerald)
  19. Hashmi, M. A., Brahmana, R. K., & Lau, E. (2018). Political connections, family firms and earnings quality. Management Research Review. (Scopus, ABS: 1, ABDC: C; Emerald)
  20. Brahmana, R., Kontesa, M., & Gilbert, R. E. (2018). Income diversification and bank performance: evidence from Malaysian banks. Economics Bulletin38(2), 799-809. (Scopus, ABS: 1, ABDC: C; Access Econ)
  21. Brahmana, R. K., Setiawan, D., & Hooy, C. W. (2019). Controlling shareholders and the effect of diversification on firm value: evidence from Indonesian listed firms. Journal of Asia Business Studies13(3), 362-383. (Scopus, ABS: 1, ABDC: C; Emerald)
  22. Brahmana, R. K., Loh, H. S., & Kontesa, M. (2020). Market competition, managerial incentives and agency cost. Global Business Review21(4), 937-955. (Scopus, ABS: 1, ABDC: C; Sage)
  23. Brahmana, R. K., Hooy, C. W., & Ahmad, Z. (2012). Weather, investor irrationality and day-of-the-week anomaly: case of Indonesia. Journal of Bioeconomics14(2), 129-146. (Scopus, ABS: 1, ABDC: C; Springer)

Articles in mass media and newspaper

  1. Rayenda Khresna Brahmana. “Investasi dana nasabah sebabkan bank-bank global ambruk. Apa dampaknya ke Indonesia? (Investment from customer deposits caused global banks to collapse. What impact will it have on Indonesia?) 6 April 2023. The Conversation Indonesia
  2. Rayenda Khresna Brahmana. “Memilih investasi yang tepat di tengah ketidakpastian ekonomi (Identifying the appropriate investment in the middle of economic uncertainty) 2 Feb 2023. The Conversation Indonesia
  3. Rayenda Khresna Brahmana. “Ketamakan hingga terjerat influencers, penipuan investasi Indonesia capai Rp 110 triliun. Bagaimana cara cegah investasi bodong? (From Greed to Influencers: Behind the Rp 110 Trillion Scam story in Indonesia) 18 Jan 2023. The Conversation Indonesia
  4. Rayenda Khresna Brahmana. “Rupiah kok Loyo?” (What is wrong with Rupiah?) 15 March 2015. Harian Analisa
  5. Rayenda Khresna Brahmana. “Membongkar Dilema Upah Buruh” (Debunking Labor Wage) 7 November 2013. Harian Analisa
  6. Rayenda Khresna Brahmana. “The Werewolf in Stock Market: How the Full Moon Transforms your Investing Style”. 6 September 2012. Jakarta Post
  7. Rayenda Khresna Brahmana. “Market Forecast: Buy Cloudy, Sell Sunny”. 8 August 2011. Jakarta Post
  8. Rayenda Khresna Brahmana. “ What you do not know about research publication: A note for education minister“. 18 February 2012. Jakarta Post
  9. Rayenda Khresna Brahmana. “Kebebasan, Kesejahteraan, dan Indonesia” (Freedom, Welfare, and Indonesia) 24 February 2011. Harian Analisa
  10. Rayenda Khresna Brahmana. “Kontroversi Kampanye Perubahan Iklim” (The Controversy of Climate Change Campaign) 9 March 2010. Harian Analisa
  11. Rayenda Khresna Brahmana. “Jika Kita Memang Beragama, Kenapa ada Korupsi?” (If we have religion, Why the corruption still exist?) 10 May 2010. Harian Analisa
  12. Interviewed by Media (Malaymailonline and others)